My first few weeks at Karibu...

Mary joined us in September and wanted to write about her first few weeks. Here is what she has to say - 

"My first few weeks at Karibu have been SO inspiring. It has been a joy to meet all the children, their lovely families and to work with passionate professionals like Simon and Katie. My background is Early Childhood with a focus on Steiner Education. Karibu confirms for me that young children are better off in a home-like environment and in small groups with qualified, mature adults who keep a steady routine and loving boundaries. It feels so right to work within Karibu's ratios of one adult to every three children, as it enables a smoothly run setting with a calm atmosphere. 

Having experienced working in various kinds of Early Years environments, I feel in a strong position to say that these quality-makers REALLY matter. Everybody is better off in these conditions, especially the children. The children are leading their own play (hurray!) and are allowed time to discover and explore because Karibu understands the value of independent play. Never before in society has children's play been so recorded, surveyed, watched by and dare I say interfered with by adults. Although we observe and scaffold, we do step back and let them evolve through their own learning. 

I have always wanted to work in these conditions and be able to give this personal touch to my work. As a professional it just feels respectful, right and OH SO GOOD!