Welcome to Karibu TLC

Karibu, meaning ‘welcome’ in the Kenyan language of Swahili, is a high quality childcare service for 2-4 year olds. 
We aim for a warm, friendly and relaxed 'home from home' feel with education and care at the heart of everything we do. 

If children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings and grow.
— Alfie Kohn

Childcare is available Monday-Friday during term-time. The term time dates are set by Bristol City Council.

Karibu is open from 8.00am - 5.00pm. 

We have 10 children with 3 or 4 highly qualified staff each day. All our staff have a DBS check and are Paediatric First Aid trained. 

We have developed a fantastic indoor and outdoor learning environment which endeavours to extend children’s thinking, to stimulate their imaginations and encourage them to ‘learn how to learn’. Read about experiences at Karibu.



The Curriculum

We deliver the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage to all children in our care and focus on the following areas of development by learning through play:

Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Communication & Language
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts & Design
Mathematics & Literacy
Physical Development


I'm interested...

Once you have read through our website, and read our FAQs, please email us via the 'Contact' page and we will then be in touch about joining our Waiting List.

Unfortunately, we are not in a position to offer a visit to all families on the Waiting List. When families are nearing the top of our Waiting List, we will get in touch to organise a visit and give you an idea about the chances of a place becoming available.

Visits to Karibu usually last around 45 minutes and it's an opportunity for you to see what we're about and for you to ask any questions. Remember, there isn't such thing as a silly question so please fire away!


Starting at Karibu

If you like what we do and you wish to secure a place with us at Karibu, there is a £300 deposit per day your child attends, with a minimum £600 deposit per family. The deposit is returned at the end of your child's time at Karibu. Once the deposit is received we will prepare some paperwork for you to read through and sign. 

Nearer your child’s starting time, we offer a ‘Home Visit’ but this is entirely optional. An adult from Karibu will come to your house with the aim to start building up a relationship with you and your child in a familiar environment, tell you more about Karibu and answer any questions you may have. We have always found ‘Home Visits’ invaluable as they really help your child to settle in when they start.

We will also book in at 2 short sessions with us. This helps with the settling in period and prepares them for their full days. On your child’s first contracted day, you have the option to just pay for a half day and pick up at lunchtime.

Payments must be paid in full before the start of the month and additional hours are added to the next invoice.  

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We donate a percentage of our profits to the Epico Jahns Academy. Simon taught at the school in 2007 and we continue to support the education and healthcare of children in Kenya. 

We are aware that late pick-ups do happen. Parents never intend to pick-up late but it does have a knock on effect to everyone's end of day and can really upset the child who is late to be picked up. Any fines that parents pay are donated to the Epico Jahns Academy.


The Karibu Family

When your little person joins us at Karibu, you join the Karibu Family too! We arrange a few events each year for families to socialise. We also have parent WhatsApp groups that you are welcome to join.



If you are interested in starting your child at Karibu then please get in touch via the Contact page.